Blockchain Erklärvideo Serie

Die Nutzung der Blockchain ist vielfältig. Vier Filme erläutern die unterschiedlichen Anwendungsgebiete. Die Crypto-Share-Plattform Daura beispielsweise verwendet die Blockchain, um alle Funktionen auszuführen, die das Ausgeben, Kaufen und Verkaufen von Aktien einschließlich elektronischer Signaturen beinhaltet. Es validiert alle Transaktionen über Smart Contracts, die auf der Blockchain registriert sind und unter der Schirmherrschaft der aktuellen Schweizer Gesetzgebung durchgeführt werden. Für die Pharmaindustrie kann die Blockchain die Originalität und Herkunft der Medikamente bewahren. So kann Korruption und Betrug entgegengetreten werden. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist beim Content Marketing. Die Blockchain könnte eine Art One-Stop-Hub sein, auf dem z. B. ein Produzent einen Dokumentarfilm einstellen kann. Ein TV-Sender könnte ihn dort herunterladen, um ihn dann einem weltweiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Auf der rechtlichen Seite regelt die Technologie automatisch ausgestellte und unterzeichnete Verträge und Lizenzen über Grenzen hinweg. Sie behält die Kontrolle über Werbung und Verkäufe und ist eine effiziente und effektive Methode zur Überwachung und Bezahlung von Veröffentlichungen sowie zur Lizenzierung von Lizenzgebühren. Mit weniger Zwischenhändlern und der Implementierung von Copyright-Schutzmaßnahmen, werden höhere Renditen für kreative Arbeit erzielt. Die Blockchain bringt neue demokratische Standards für die gesamte Medienindustrie und die Swisscom Blockchain AG  ist ein Pionier auf dem Weg der Blockchain-Technologie.

Wir freuen uns sehr über diese Erklärvideo-Serie – also Manege frei! 🎪

1. Swisscom Blockchain – prepare to be amazed

Swisscom Blockchain AG believes in Blockchain’s capacity for maximizing the performance of a business.
And we can help make that happen for you, with:

  • advice on every relatable issue
  • as members of the open hyperledger program, we can provide infrastructure that is reliable, dynamic and safe – from implementation through to hosting
  • and going forward, our technical expertise can assist you with engineering an A to Z working solution that continually adapts to your specific needs

The following films will illustrate the unprecedented opportunities of Blockchain – in and beyond the financial sector – and why it will work for you.

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2. Blockchain for the Pharma Industry

Blockchain is essentially, to this point, a huge ledger constantly recording financial transactions which are safe from alteration because they have been verified, we could say witnessed by a vast number of nodes. But we at Swisscom Blockchain see a use for Blockchain technology way beyond the financial sector.

How might it help, for instance, the Pharma industry and those associated with it? First it can guarantee the authenticity of the product itself and its source. Blockchain streamlines the supply line.

And safeguards it because a record of every step, transaction if you will, is shared with all on the Blockchain.

Which means it acts like a trusted watchdog against corruption and fraud and saves money. This would be in line with Swisscom Blockchain AG’s express aim to partner up and rework your existing systems.

To the benefit of all.

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3. Blockchain for Content Marketing and Media

We at Swisscom Blockchain are looking to create a marketplace using Blockchain technology. One area where this could prove fruitful is Content Marketing – particularly for private media companies or independent entities. Blockchain could be a one-stop hub where, a producer can place a documentary on the platform, a TV broadcaster can pick it up and then they connect with a steaming platform so that it can be shown to a worldwide audience.

And on the legal side, the platform handles, automatically Contracts issued and signed, and Licensing across borders and retain control over promotion and sales as well as offering a more efficient and effective method for monitoring and paying publishing and play royalties.

With less middlemen to potentially exploit artists, and the implementation of copyright safeguards that stop others ripping off your material independent content creators will get a greater return for their hard work.

Overall, we believe that Blockchain will bring newly established democratic standards for the entire media industry. And for us at Swisscom Blockchain, that deserves a standing ovation.

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Blockchain for many small and medium enterprises

For many small and medium enterprises and start-ups, raising or increasing capital is a major challenge.

Much of the administration around the sale and purchase of shares is complicated, inefficient and expensive. In addition the OTC stock market is often inaccessible. Daura removes these frustrating problems, for business owners and potential investors alike.

It is a crypto-share platform that uses Blockchain to execute all the functions involving the issuing, buying and selling of stocks, including electronic signatures. Furthermore, in phase two, the platform will enable additional functionalities, such as:

  • Transferability limitation
  • Paying and distribution of dividends
  • Shareholder meetings and votes

It validates all transactions via smart contracts that are registered on the Blockchain and carried out under the auspices of current Swiss legislation.

In short, Daura makes capital procurement and their share transfers easier, faster and cheaper. This will create a huge competitive advantage especially for SMEs using the daura platform.

Daura is a joint undertaking of Swisscom, a trusted technology partner in the financial sector and MME, a fintech specialized Swiss law firm, who have pooled their expertise to create a secure and reliable platform for business ventures in need of capital and their global investor community alike.

daura ag – sme capital raise on the blockchain

Mehr dazu bei der Swisscom Blockchain AG

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